Partner with MyPeople payroll bureau to simplify your payroll operations
Outsourcing your payroll can be a very cost-effective and efficient way to ensure your payroll is accurate and compliant.
A payroll bureau is a collaboration between your in-house payroll team and an outsourced payroll provider. Working this way not only alleviates the pressure on your team but also gives you added support when it comes to checks and balances.
Our outsourced service can cater for weekly or monthly payroll processing and can include year-end reporting and auto-enrolment processing.
Outsource your payroll processing with confidence
Hundreds of our clients outsource their payroll to us and our expert payroll team ensures the highest quality service. We guarantee a smooth data migration and have multiple checks in place during the process.

Data validation
We have several quality checks to ensure accurate data entry and all calculations and PEP checks are actioned in line with the FCA regulations. Any errors will be reported back to you for correction. In live payroll we validate payday against lockdown notifications and issue the BACS payment instructions for payment.

Payroll processing
We will maintain your net to gross calculations adhering to the statutory rules and make sure your pro-rata values are applied. We will apply all your adjustments for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), maternity, paternity, and adoption pay, and we can provide support for under or over payments if needed. We can also action the physical payments to your employees bank accounts.

Statutory documents
We take care of your statutory documents including P45, SSP1, SMP1, OSPP1 and SAP1.

We will produce your pay run reports and we can store all current, past, and back-up payroll reports to provide support during any audits.

End of year
We provide whatever support is needed with the submission of your FPS and EPS reports to HMRC and provide P60’s if required. We also offer support with the P11D forms.