What is an umbrella company?
An umbrella company acts as your employer, handling all the back-end responsibilities on your behalf. Instead of chasing down payments or worrying about tax compliance, you can submit your timesheets and expenses to your agency, who will then forward them to us as your umbrella company.

Enjoy hassle-free payments and compliance as a contractor
As a contractor or freelancer, we know that your focus is on delivering exceptional work for your clients. We also understand that the administrative tasks like invoicing, tax calculations, and payroll can be a headache. That’s where an umbrella company, like MyPeople, steps in. This is what we do best!
Invoicing clients.
Managing payments and expenses.
Calculating taxes and NI contributions.
Ensuring compliance with tax and employment laws.
What is umbrella PAYE?
With Umbrella PAYE, the umbrella company acts as your employer. They handle all the payroll responsibilities on your behalf, including deducting the necessary taxes and National Insurance contributions (PAYE) before paying you your net salary.
Get paid promptly and accurately.
Enjoy employee protection and benefits.
Maintain flexibility in your employment arrangements.
Peace of mind, knowing you are in good hands.